Why is my life so hard?


Why do others have it so easy?  Why is my life so hard? Rochelle and I enjoy listening to the Freakonomics podcast and highly recommend it to you.  We...

The Fourth Industrial Revolution


What it means, how to respond. We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another....

Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness


First, what is meditation?  Simply put it is sitting quietly for 5-10 per day and listening to your busy mind. Meditation leads to Mindfulness.  What is Mindfulness?  Mindfulness is the ability to know...

Intuition Inspires Love


Intuition Inspires Self-Love Love that we experience with others is governed by the acceptance, appreciation and yes, even Love that we have for ourselves. Being hard on ourselves, finding...

True Peace and Power


Acceptance is the starting point of True Peace and Power by David Stevens, Master Intuitive and Founder of Yoga of the Mind So often we are in conflict with...

Creativity Discovery and Intuition


Creativity Discovery and Intuition by David Stevens At YogaoftheMind.com we’ve taught thousands of people how to use their Intuition. One side benefit is that they often report that they...

5 tips for creating your goals in 2015


5 Tips for Creating creating your goals in 2015. What is inspiring to you?  How about more creativity, self-expression and overall calm? Do you have a dream goal? If...

Mindfulness: I don’t mind what happens


Mindfulness: I don’t mind what happens Mindfulness by David Stevens Much has been written about going beyond the ego to mindfulness. While this is a worthwhile goal, looking at...

How to be Positive by healing with flow


How to be positive by healing with flow How to be positive, happy and successful on any level of life are a matter of having your energy flowing in a balanced...