What will life be like in 20 years?


We are living in unique times.   Technology is propelling us along at the speed of light. At Yoga of the Mind we provide training and support to develop...

Unleashing Creativity Activates Intuition


When was the last time you sat and just stared out a window at the world going by? You know daydreaming. I want to touch on the topic of...

The Intuitive Brain


Psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist: The Divided Brain Next time you doubt that Intuition is real or that listening to it and acting on it is just some free spirited idea think...

Intuition Inspires Love


Intuition Inspires Self-Love Love that we experience with others is governed by the acceptance, appreciation and yes, even Love that we have for ourselves. Being hard on ourselves, finding...

How do you experience intuition in your life?


How do you experience intuition in your life? Do you debate whether it even exists? You know it exists and are grateful when it spontaneously shows up in your...

Creativity Discovery and Intuition


Creativity Discovery and Intuition by David Stevens At YogaoftheMind.com we’ve taught thousands of people how to use their Intuition. One side benefit is that they often report that they...

What are business leaders are saying about Intuition?


What are business leaders are saying about Intuition? “A surprising number of business leaders also use intuition to help them make business decisions. In a poll conducted by PRWeek,...

Intuition is Real and Amazingly Useful


Intuition is Real and Amazingly Useful There are many things in life that are useful and even essential yet are not fully understood. Did you know that much of...

Intuition is real


Is Intuition Real or is that a Coincidence? Below are 3 ways you can tune in right now to your intuition. OK,  STOP!   Stop saying that was lucky or a...

Intuition can direct you 95% of the time


There are many things in life that are useful and even essential yet are not fully understood. Did you know that much of how anesthesia works is unknown? That’s...