What to expect during the Paid Charka Energy Cleansing?

Who Leads the Chakra Cleansing Energy Healings
David Stevens, the founder of Yoga of the Mind, has trained a team of Energy Healers to perform the healings.
What Style of Energy Clearing?
You will be seated comfortably in a chair while our healers work with the chakra energy around your body. This is not a hands-on healing process, and touching is not necessary. We conduct our healings at our studio, and two other sessions occur simultaneously.
May I ask a question?
You can have one healing request for each session. Your healer will ask when they are ready to begin your healing if you have a specific healing request.
Are Private Sessions Available?
David provides private sessions for chakra and intuitive healing. You can schedule appointments with him for 30-60 minutes over the phone, through Zoom, or in person at his Denver studio. His fee is $150 per hour, with a minimum of 30 minutes.
Contact David Stevens
303-668-2358 call or text