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Stress What Stress!!!!!!
Is your hair on fire everyday? Has stress become a way of life to the point that you talk about stress but really have no sense of how stressed you really are? Today’s message is a tool kit filled with items that can help you begin to reduce your stress immediately. Try all of these tools see which one gives you the best results.
First, you are not alone if you are stressed. Stress shows up as anxiety, fear, worry, dread and even panic.These feelings hold a strong grip on approximately 30 percent of the adult population between the ages of 18 & 54 can be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder in the US alone. In the workplace and educational system, anxiety has been reported to hold its grip on 41 percent of employee and more than half of college students. Wow!! I hope this sets your mind at ease that if you are feeling stressed that you are not alone. The great news is that now you have lots of easy ways to lower your stress.
What are factors contributing to high stress levels?
- The intense pace of change due to technology.
- Overly-protective parenting.
- High levels of judgement.
- Isolation.
- Vast number of choices which causes the pressure to make perfect choices.
Why is reducing or even eliminating stress so important for feeling happy and satisfied in your life? Basically when we are stressed, we make less than ideal choices in our life. When we are stressed we keep making the wrong choice, which piles on more stress. Why is this? Stress gives us tunnel vision. Being in a non-stressed relaxed state puts us in perfect connection with our intuition. To find wholeness, fulfillment and joy all you need to do is first get out of stress, then you can explore and find those activities, people and places you love. When you are doing what you love you are connected with your intuition. Your intuition is your souls voice. Listening and doing your soul work will always transform a life filled with stress to a life fill with adventure, joy and pleasure. Let’s get off the stress train together. Let’s learn to live a life connected with your intuition.
Living a life from your intuition might mean finding a new line of work but, meditation awareness of energy and exploration of your connection with your intuition you can help you determined the best course of action and can help you find the passion that got you into the career that is currently killing you with stress.
Quick stress reducers.
- Take 3 deep breaths with full exhale.
- Hum out loud for 2 minute
- Take a walk or a nap.
- Listen to music.
- Meditate for 10 minutes.
- Talk to a close friend.
Two up-coming Yoga of the Mind Workshops are also a great way to take a next steps.

Have you been attending our Chakra and Energy Clearing Clinic? Are you interested meditation and energy work but you are not sure where to start? This class is a great first step.
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This workshop will share tips and concepts that will greatly improve your ability to hear and trust your intuition.
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