Do some of these sound like you?
- You have had a deck of tarot cards for many years and have always wanted to learn how to read them.
- Maybe you even own multiple decks.
- The idea of memorizing all those card definitions seems impossible!
- When you try to study how to read tarot cards, you feel overwhelmed with how it all fits together during a reading.
Did a few fit for you? If so, this course will have you reading tarot cards for friends and family in just four weeks.
What will you learn during the course

During each class, we will, as a group, study the meanings of the major arcana.

You will learn to develop questions that bring about actionable wisdom from the cards.

Learn to answer yes/no questions with the cards.

Learn how to answer questions about “when” something might happen.

You will have many in-class tarot card reading practice sessions with other students to build your confidence.