My 4-week course is perfect for beginners!

Discover the power of self-discovery with this How to Read Tarot Cards for Beginners. This four-week in-depth course is led by spiritual guide Rochelle Fisher. Learn to unlock your inner intuition and gain wisdom for life’s decisions through the beginner-friendly basics of tarot. No memorization is required – you’ll quickly discover how to read tarot cards and distinguish the importance of major and minor arcana. Plus, you’ll be able to connect with other students and test your skills. Don’t wait to start your spiritual journey – join our supportive community today and find your power within tarot cards. Open up to the universe’s insight into your life and relationships. I’m excited to accompany you on this magical adventure. Sign up now!

Upcoming Classes:

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Do some of these sound like you?

  • You have had a deck of tarot cards for many years and have always wanted to learn how to read them.
  • Maybe you even own multiple decks.
  • The idea of memorizing all those card definitions seems impossible!
  • When you try to study how to read tarot cards, you feel overwhelmed with how it all fits together during a reading.

Did a few fit for you? If so, this course will have you reading tarot cards for friends and family in just four weeks.

What will you learn during the course

Tarot Card Court Card Knight of Pentacles

During each class, we will, as a group, study the meanings of the major arcana.

Tarot Card marjor Arcana The Sun

You will learn to develop questions that bring about actionable wisdom from the cards.

Tarot Card marjor Arcana The Fool

Learn to answer yes/no questions with the cards.

Tarot Card minor Arcana Ace of Penticles

Learn how to answer questions about “when” something might happen.

Tarot Card minor Arcana Two of Cups

You will have many in-class tarot card reading practice sessions with other students to build your confidence.

How to read Tarot Cards for beginners

What to Expect

Join us In-Person

  • Bring a pen and paper to take notes if you wish
  • Each student will be seated at a shared table
  • Included in your registration is the course workbook.
  • You will need a Tarot Card Deck of cards, bring your favorite deck or purchase my selection.
  • After the first class you can decide if you want a cloth or laminated reading mat.

Join Me In-Person

Join Us at Our Studio in Denver, CO

Yoga of the Mind Studio

8 E. First Ave, Suite 103
( 1st & Broadway above The Hornet Restaurant )


In-depth tarot card reading course for beginners

Rochelle Fisher

CO-Founder Yoga of the Mind

I have been giving tarot card readings for fun and professionally for fifteen years. I was inspired to create the reading mat when I was a beginner because memorizing all the cards’ meanings would never happen.  I still use the mat in paid readings today.  It helps me not to stress if I get a card I do not recall the meaning of during a session.   It makes my students feel like near experts after just one class.  I have taught others here in Denver, CO, at our Intuitive development school for seven years.