Brain Synchronization


Brain SynchronizationBrain Synchronization of the 3 Brains

The functions of the brain have been categorized in three levels. The first level governs a lot of your instinctual reactions, the second level is involved in the processing of emotions and memory, and the third level adds thinking, reasoning, and the ability to project into the future a plan.  As you synchronize the communication amount these three brain levels with meditation and the intuitive practices of Yoga of the Mind Center of head. You build the capacity to take more control of yourself and shift emotions and attitudes faster.  Getting more of your systems in sync helps you have more fun no matter what is going on around you.

The Gut Brain-

When you perceive a threat, the brain signals a system of nerves in the area of the stomach and solar plexus that is sometimes called the “gut brain”  These nerves control your stomach when you ‘re anxious or afraid or a knot in the stomach when you’re angry or upset (Gershon 1999).

The gut brain is also where you feel the instinct to take or avoid action.  Have you ever heard someone say,  “ I just followed my gut” or “I felt it in my gut”? Many people confuse gut feelings with Intuition. The gut brain is more reactive and instruction that intuitive.

The Heart Brain-

The heart also has its own nervous system,  the “heart brain.” The heart brain takes an active role in communicating with the head brain, sending more signals to the head than it receives in return (Armour 2003). Recent studies have shown that the heart brain receives intuitive information before the head does.  Scientific evidence indicates that intuitive information is received first by the heart: then it’s sent to the brain; then the brain signals the body, which responds (McCrathy, Atkinson, and Bradley 2004s, 20004b).

The second level of your brain synchoronization, residing in the center of the brain, enables you to experience emotion and to store emotional memories; this is where the thalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus are located.  The activity of the core cells of the amygdala (where emotional memories are stored) synchronizes to the heart’s rhythm (Frysinger and Harper 1990).  This explains why the heart has long been associated with feelings and emotions, and it may be why people expressions like “warmhearted” or “heartfelt,” “heartache” and “heart break.” Are so commonly used.   The hert is literally sending information to the second brain level about how you feel (McCraty 2003)

The Third Brain-

This is the Cortex and Neocortex enables you to think and reason.  This is where you analyze and interpret feelings, intuition, ideas and sensory experiences.  You use your third level to recognize that you’re in stress, acknowledge the stress, and make a conscious choice to take a time-out.

The Yoga of the Mind active meditation, center of head, grounding and energy tools allows for easier Brain Synchronization that delivers to you a neutral non stressful state. Then your ability to listen to your intuition is the best to find the best solutions.

Reference for this content is- The HeartMath Solution; Book “Transforming Stress”